Friday 31 March 2017

Curses: The Curse of the Rune Stones

The Curse of the Rune Stones

Blekinge Sweden is home to a mysterious 4.2-meter tall monolith that stands in a triad with two other menhirs. On the stone is written an inscription in a proto-Norse language of runes that contains a foreboding warning about the removal or destruction of the stone.
It reads:
"Björketorp Runestone, master of the runes, conceal here runes of power. Incessantly (plague
d by) maleficence, (doomed to) insidious death (is) he who breaks this (monument).”

On the other side of the same stone is written the “Prophecy of Destruction” which translate roughly too “do not try to remove or destroy this stone as death will seek you”

The runes on the stone can be traced to one of the earliest forms of Germanic Runic language from around the 6th century known as “Elder Futhark Runes”, the name comes from the first six rune – F, U, TH, A, R and K, it contains 24 alphabetic runes.

The Bjorketorp Runes meaning is one of great debate amongst scholars, some believe it to be a border marker between the lands of the Swedes and the Danes, others believe it to be a shrine to the Norse God Odin, whilst others believe it to be a headstone or memorial to warriors lost in battle, whatever its meaning the curse inscription is believed to be one of substance.

A local legend tells of a man who wished to farm on the land and wanted to remove the stone as it was in his way. On a day of no winds and calm weather, the man piled wood around the rock to try and heat the stone and then crack it by pouring cold water over it.
As the man set fire to the wood a gust of wind blew the flames away from the stone and towards the man, setting his hair on fire, but extinguishing the flames around the stone. The man, panicking, could not put out the fire upon his head and died a terrible fiery death.

Whether the curse is real or not, the stone still stands after 14 centuries.

©2012 Allen Tiller 

first published Dec 17 2012

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